Lunch Programs
Mondays - through Lunchbox by School Cash Online
How to Order:
1. Go to your child’s SchoolCash Online account items page and click “ORDER NOW”.
2. Confirm your child’s account information including their new teacher and grade for the current school year. **Please ensure the correct teacher and grade are selected to prevent errors on delivery days.
3. Proceed with ordering your child’s lunch on the school’s ordering calendar by clicking on the blue date for the scheduled vendors.
4. All orders are submitted on the website and payment is processed on-line by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Debit MasterCard or Visa Debit. Visa and MasterCard prepaid cards are also accepted.
Things to Remember:
• The ordering deadline is Sunday at 12 PM (NOON) for the upcoming week’s deliveries.
• New orders will not be accepted after the Sunday deadline.
• If buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, lunches will be delivered as scheduled.
• If there is a school closure, lunches will be cancelled, and a credit will be issued to your Lunchbox account within 3 business days.